The Leo Mystic
Michaël - Astrologer & Kundalini Yogi
To be a firestarter of the original intention in people.
To create integrous, coherent human beings on a mission
ASTROLOGY: the ultimate translation of cosmic language into human experience
I see now how I have been guided in the past to study Latin Languages and interpreter/translator Dutch/German.
It helped me develop the skills to practice the art of astrology that entered my life in 2015.
In 2017 I surrendered fully to embrace the archetype of the astrologer after following a 1-week retreat Astrology/Kundalini Yoga with Kaypacha Lescher, which blew my mind.
The first day after I immediately locked myself up for 7 days straight and studied astrology day and night, literally.
Now in 2020 I study with the Evolutionary Astrology Network
and have done over 600 chart readings.
Kundalini Yoga teacher

"Kundalini yoga is THE tool to bring the worlds of spirituality and leadership together."
I see Kundalini Yoga as the bridge between the soul and the ego because of the very practical physical exercises that demand dedication and commitment.
Also thanks to the genius combination of breathing exercises, postures, meditation and chanting all the systems of the body are reset and strengthened. As a result you are grounded and steady in awareness of self. Your choices become clearer, healthier and with pure intent.
I studied my KY Teacher Training and continue studying at the Kundalini Yoga School in Amsterdam.
Since 2017 I have been practicing Kundalini Yoga every morning myself, and am 250 days away from my 1000 days daily practice.
I have though KY classes worldwide from New York to London to Antwerp and now have my own KY studio in Berchem with weekly classes on line and in person.
"Leadership is the ability to understand and work with change to bring about and establish that change in oneself, community and the world."
From 2016 I have trained Incompany independently and in partnership with The House of Change.
With a focus on communication skills, leadership skills and Mindfulness I have taught these subjects to leaders and coaches in over more than 100 companies like EY, CGI, Business & Decision, Realdolmen, VOKA & Vlaamse Overheid to name a few.
From 2020 onwards, thanks to the current pandemic and situation in the world I started to bring my focus to the new leaders & entrepreneurs of today. Since they are the ones that have the biggest impact on our environment and thus bring the most effective solution. Preparing and guiding them for what I call "the aquarian lightworkers". They are the new leaders of the current age, where an old way of doing things is crumbling down but holding on and destroying this planet in the process. We Aquarian Lightworkers are here to guide humanity into a new era of helping every single person to:
CREATE their unique ART from the HEART for our precious EARTH and SHARE that abundantly.

We are the new leaders of today. Every single person on earth, with its own legacy and uniqueness, is responsible. We have work to do. Let's begin!