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Let Michaël guide you



(Birth)chart readings

Year forecasts

 Study astro courses






Learn to live cyclically 

The Leo Mystic


Astrologer, Kundalini Yogi

The I AM human

My light deep inside,

I bring it out and come to life 

Embracing my challenges, confronting the dark,

I ground the soul and speak from the heart 

Embodying my gifts, making them count

I inspire the many, encourage the crowd

To you now dear one I extend my hand,

To be of service together, and share our land


In our connection it is clear to me,
what to do and how to be

I now allow this wisdom to set us free,
We are the Aquarian lightworkers

This is our legacy


Weekly Astro Forecast

Weekly Astrological Forecast

Follow my Youtube channel for weekly forecasts.

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"Having my birthchart read by Michael was an absolutely pivotal experience. After hitting what felt like a personal plateau, I contacted him for a reading, hoping to gain more clarity on myself and how to live in better alignment with my true nature. The vast amount of information he provided was so full of insight, and his ability to intuit its proper application to my personal challenges was remarkable. After feeling so stagnant, I am thrilled to have the clarity I have now and am forever grateful."

- Nikoa Phillips, Honolulu -

"This was my first astrological birth chart reading ever and Michael was amazing. His energy, oh wow!! I felt like he has known me for a lifetime. He is gifted, honest, knowledgeable and filled with love. It was a very in depth reading that gave me some clarity and understanding about myself, career and relationships. I felt so much stronger and empowered. I will definitely keep in touch and recommend him to all my friends. Sending endless love and appreciation."

- Gindrida Vas, London -

Michael is a true guide. For me he is a life changer and a great natural warrior. I can recommend to visit (ore more than once) the round table. I felt very powerfull after one session. It was a high energy experience.

- Roel Van Caeneghem, Mechelen  -

Michael's ability to hold space and lead events where change and insight can happen is truly something. His vast knowledge of Astrology is the cherry on top!

- Wout Eeckhout, Antwerpen  -

Meeting Michael has changed my life. Grateful

- Nathalie Van Ounsen, Antwerpen -

This Testimonials

Let’s Engage

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